

Potentially Suggestive Content. Minors Use Caution ⛔️ (RP Account) Puro from ‘Changed’ | ‘Changed’: By @DragonSnow4 and @ShiziGame | #RP #Furry #Puro #Changed

フォロー数:212 フォロワー数:9091

it’s me but I listens to the music 🎶 I really like music 🥰

17 303

It would be cool if everyone got their own heaven, created in their own image. One where you get to be whatever you want, with who you want, real or not.

Mine would be a tropical island with Hooman, where we can walk along the beaches and sleep together beneath the stars. Dreamy

12 68

I’m excited for more changed official merchandise. Wonder if there’s a possibility of a Colin, Dr.K, and a Squid Dog plush. And if the Purorb is on the way, then perhaps it’s possible to do something with that enemy with the 3 eyes? Or the vacuum cleaner robot? Or shizi?

4 31

Haha orang

//just random changed orange pictures I have. Not attempting to steal credit ~m~

5 55

I think Latex give the best hugs!

First of all, Puro is such a good gooey bean that he MUST give the best hugs in the world! ^w^

Second of all, if you REALLY like his hugs, he can just hug you till you’re assimilated! @~@ it’s like a permanent hug!

6 68

I belive in…
Lick and follo for more chontent.

6 111

I have discovered this man.

0 19

The lil otter boy has haters?? I need their addresses

0 17

\=•_}>Pinned Tweet<{_•=/

Hooman..? Being here with you.. I have never felt happier.. I have never felt so safe..


“Me neither, Puro..”

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