Frigid Lioness🦁🔞さんのプロフィール画像

Frigid Lioness🦁🔞さんのイラストまとめ

Lewdsome | NB | level 28 |
@DubbyEnergy code: MAMAFRIGID
@WaifuWaresUK code: mamalioness

art/meme tag: #lionessfloof
NSFW art: #lionessnsfwart

フォロー数:565 フォロワー数:1216

Don't mind me dropping an intro and a lil bit 'o lore of myself~ Hi, I'm Lioness a female embodhiment of Rath, the Demon Lion Bearer. I just wander the human realm in search for my very own Solomon, I've got a male form, my demon form and my demi-human form, pleased to meet you.

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Whoever sees this, drop your PNGs.. I need victims--I mean mutuals to draw.. and yes, this will be a gamble for you. Specify what kind of Vtuber/PNGtuber you are, for a chance to get seiso or unseiso art! ya girl's battling insomnia so might as well be productive.

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Just leaving this piece here with the lovely thank you for wanting to be part of this piece with me! Let's not forget the adorable squib! Thank you for bringing me joy and always ready to lift me up when I'm down!
Art by me

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This is the type of shit that got me sent into the walls... pls... feed me something else than insulation. I swear I won't disrupt your pie making anymore

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