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The Ultimate electric Car - an illusion to stay in the #comfortzone? #energy #windpower #sustainability #pollution
When "the list" matters more than the qualifications. #Drawing #qualifications #connections #abilities #conservation
Loser's strategy to winning - Free Drawing #society #branding #politics #psychology #coaching
Drawing: "Concerning the Future" at the Vanishing Point. Free drawing for blogging about life ahead (looks bit English)
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop" Confucius inspired snail drawing http://t.co/8nvru84r
New free illustration: Springtime on Mother Nature 's watch #sustainability #wellness #balance #ecology
A few of my free Fish cartoon drawings http://t.co/1NJaCdyw Just hand drawn illustrations of challenged and funny fish
Imagine a World Without Free Knowledge - My drawing for debate: http://t.co/AGXAI1S3 #wikipedia #SOPA #pipa #copyright
Can I get my feathers back? Finding love and peace in balance with the ecological reality is not that easy #meditation