

am FroZenHelix thick elf.
my only account for now.
I am Boyfu(boy)
Taken❤️: @Aoi_VR

フォロー数:880 フォロワー数:35943

Ooooo get it get it ~ ❤️

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Thank you so much I'm glad u like it !~ ♥️

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Ooooh I'm glad honestly when I look at it when I don't smile I look like a bitch~ ♥️

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Thank u I like it it makes me seem like a bitch with my straight face thou lol XD~

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I so glad u like them so much~ ♥️

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Very true it also makes me look like a bitch when I'm not smiling ~ ♥️

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Stay away from my glasses they mine !~ ♥️

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Perfect u already meet the criteria~♥️

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