

Frost | Artist🔞| Animator | Writer | | Pixel Maker|


Just another face. Sorry for what you might see!~

フォロー数:863 フォロワー数:1519

I three in Cherry too. Have fun guys.

2 14

Not expecting alot of questions considering who I'm posting but, don't expect any good answers either. Pick wisely. lmao
I'm extra so I'm using three characters to keep it interesting.
Just put "(Name)-" and number for whoever you pick.

1 19

Blitz: .....

So someone *cough* decided to wack him with a staff, and he obviously didn't take a liking to that.

Based off a RP.

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"I'm the one who killed them all, I survived after the fall."

I wanted to draw what it would have happened if Blitz had snapped after the tragedy. Or what it would have looked like if he did just...snap.

1 26

So uh. these were some lore pics I was working on for a upcoming animation I am working on on the side, showing you Blitz's yes, lore stuff. I won't talk too much, but the images should say it all I hope. Have some rough sketches of his family!~

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Annnnd he isn't really a villain, but take Blitz's brother, Chimmerian. I know you guys saw him before. But like...I posted him with colors. Now. Last design of the night I swear.

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Main Villain, Hurizai. He doesn't exactly have a animal preference. Why bother when he can change shape and use other animals at his command?

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One of my side Villians, Turbulence (Turbu) The Ape, He is another angry boi.

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Sketch Commission for

So...not gonna lie. Making the BG was a accident waiting to happen when I started adding certain lighting. 😩

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