

Thorn // non-binary// 27// they/them// nervous as hell// Welcome to another episode of Dragons, Destiny and Dumbass

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feeling sad, drawing dragons to make things better.
I've been seeing people's WoW dragons and I wanna slice of this good shit. Ranha's big, old, tired and sad but he's a huge dad. He's been chilling in pandaria as a tauren trying to find peace

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I listened to the same song for an hour and a half by accident and just scribbled this really lazy style.
My best friends DK, because I miss him

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I'm Cath , i love dragons and drawing stuff! I only came out recently, and I'm finally feeling right about myself and it's R A D.

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Thanks to the dawning I finally met Riven
and I gotta say
holy fuck

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I don't know if I brought it up, but I missed out on the WoWsona thing and I haven't had the time and the armor set planned for them this whole time.
Mostly tauren, part highmountain, big-ol hunter baby. In game is Roshan, and I think I'mma keep it

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I have a dumb idea and I figured I should practice first because I have never drawn osiris before.
Why is he sucH A fLUFFY mess my god

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I read this and i HAD to shitpost real quick
Snom cares not for the moon, they only want the snack

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Inbetween working on commission stuff I've been doing little no-brain scribbles of my team for this gen and honestly? Like every other team I've ever had
they my babies
Meridith's existence still makes me cry because??? look at her?? she's all grown up and??

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right so I said I'd hold off on drawing pokemon stuff but I needed a break from art to... do more art. Had to do something quick and mostly thoughtless

I fucking ADORE Piers. Tired dramatic little bean he is

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WIP of something I'm working on.
fucking QUEEN

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