

born in '94. Don’t be a weirdo. If I’m the reason you listen to Pigeon Pit, you’re welcome. 🫶

フォロー数:290 フォロワー数:308

Happy belated birthday, c! technoblade!

1 5

Clingy duo cousins 🥺

Seriously I cannot stress this enough- go read A Farmer and his dragon son.

Kat rlly out here healing everyone’s souls with this fluff, yall

12 134

You’ve got the world rooting for you, my man.

1 8

Enderchild has now been given his three looks

3 9

Apparently Philza Minecraft ALSO has three looks

3 13

Technoblade has three looks, and that’s it.
We’ve got:
Pig in a crown
That anarchist pig looking man has a crown
And the fuckin blood god (with a crown, because style)

3 18