

A podcast about Vincent Price. Produced by Chris Ameigh he/him. Monthly(ish) eps. On all your favorite Podcatchers! Inquiries: [email protected]

フォロー数:5234 フォロワー数:7978

"Death," I said, "any death but that of the pit!"

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Working on episode 11 is taking longer than I thought, but my process is rigorous and I chose a meaty subject for this one. Saturday night note compiling session is on tap for tonight. Recording this week I hope. Look for Ep 11 to be out next weekend.

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On this let's not forget this lesser appreciated beauty Price and Lorre co-starred with in Comedy of Terrors. Sound off with the other Cats-in-Price-films that you can think of in the replies!

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Having some fun with the thingy from today! Is it just me, or does the first one look like Peter Cushing?

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Episode 6 will be out this July, featuring a classic Price radio play and a discussion of a somewhat controversial element of Price's life. I had a lot of fun scripting this one! Don't forget you can catch up on back episodes for free at

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