

Freelance illustrator leveling up the old-fashioned way--with hard work 💪(No AI)
日本語, español

フォロー数:515 フォロワー数:1169

Cluedo Redesign Part 2
Concept: Re-conceptualize the characters of the classic board game, using the following formula:
extravagant title + obscure color word = new character!
Let me know your thoughts!

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Study of a man in profile in the style of J. C. Leyendecker.

It's important to pay attention to the planes of the face. If you group your values based on which planes face the light, you get a much clearer read of the form. Keep studying, re-studying, implementing anatomy.🎨

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そよ風 Gentle Breeze 

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モダン平安美人.十二単の襟を強調し所々に描き込んでみました。Added more details to the collar and all around. Im really feeling the flat brush lately.

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