

This place has gone to shit so I'm outta here – find me on the butterfly website instead kthxbye…

フォロー数:148 フォロワー数:81

Sup, you look great today! Did you get a haircut?
Oh yeah I draw moderately amusing Nintendo fanarts sometimes PRETTY COOL RIGHT

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Smoking is cool and badass if you're a fire type and/or already have stage 4 lung cancer 😎🚬

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Have this "comic" I drew in summer 2011 because it's. VERY relevant in spring 2021 where I live. HAND ME THE SUNSHINE DAMNIT

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Sup I doodled. I wanted to shade this but I got too lazy and also PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON CARMEN JEEZ

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Shoutouts to , an indie game I'm extremely looking forward to! There's a fantastic new demo that you should probably check out!

Have a pic of Peppino BULLYING a Pizzard!

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Hey I'm Ferno and I've drawn a thing or two in the past

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Mewtwo? Pathetic. Try DYNAMAX BIDOOF

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I got insider information confirming that this is Eldegoss's shiny form, you're welcome

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WHAT'S THAT? You, the Pokémon fandom, are SICK of BORING and OVERLY SIMPLE Pokémon designs? DO NOT WORRY! The good Samaritan that I am, I used my sheer limitless creativity to design a Pokémon that will surely appeal to all of you. You can thank me later! Enjoy!

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