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A bit early, but time to get into the Halloween spirit with Kokoro Hata! Changed my name too, but my username is still @FunkyAl202 so look for that and you'll know it's me. Will make another thread soon on info for whenever I do RPs.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Maribel Hearn & Renko Usami? Well I do! #TouhouProject
Well this’ll be my last night before another hiatus. Guess I’ll leave you all with a reminder not to mess with the Myouren Temple gang! #TouhouProject
@ActualAero @TheBoss99840778 Can't exactly remember the very first I've played so I'll list the first I remember owning myself: Pokémon Ruby
Favorite I've played this year so far: Tokyo Xanadu eX+
Currently playing: Hakuoki -Demon of the Fleeting Blossom-
All time favorite: Pokémon Platinum
@thetruebowser One of these four great games! I just don’t remember which I’ve played first.
@MarisaMagica "Isn't Yuuka that crazy flower bitch? Ha! Unlike you I have no fear of her! I would dearly like her to come at me full strength!"
@kappas_forever @HoodedEdge @HydroMizuko @Wriggle_the_bug @ZER0_BLACKCAT @nytemurr @nagi485 @TheBoss99840778 @MinusIvanL "i'm still taller than you and that magician friend of yours. Consider yourself lucky that I just had a lot of sake at a nearby bar not to long ago otherwise I would slice you up no problem! Even a celestial such as me can't fight efficiently while drunk."