FunkyIsabelle 🍉 🏳️‍⚧️さんのプロフィール画像

FunkyIsabelle 🍉 🏳️‍⚧️さんのイラストまとめ

24||Autistic|Does drawing as a hobby|Nerd that sometimes plays games and watches animations|and a pleasure to meet you!

フォロー数:2188 フォロワー数:571

They're Cute, as a aside Mira has always been my one of favorite artist on the show in terms of her style.
There's just something on how she draws the character that makes them look both cute and cool, if that makes sense.

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I was interested in learning more about Dendy's parents, since we never really seen them that much throughout the series, compared to the other parents anyways.

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Sonic mains in Smash Bros Spiking with the d-air be like.

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When I want to draw something cool vs how it actually comes out

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*Everyone wants a Pokémon rival that likes Blue and Silver*

But how bout someone like Hugh from Black and White 2 .w.

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