

Thank you for 15+ years 👋

フォロー数:281 フォロワー数:28145

Not giving up on the that's 4 in a row =)

4 29

A new is here =) Still going strong with this one

2 20

As a Princess Daisy supporter I had to draw something related to the power crown for her... Here it is =) Go become a Daisette or whatever!

113 429

forced me to draw a comic of Mariette... or is Peario?

380 1807

One more comic for the great concept you developed... Be proud of what you've done! not many get so lucky

0 3

Joining the I drew Fifi in my own style... just to see how she looked...

4 25

Well your dog is now a thing =) Congratullations

here's my version...

4 9

A little Free Style drawing practice with a cute and awesome picure

0 6