Furry Drama Botさんのプロフィール画像

Furry Drama Botさんのイラストまとめ

Wacky little bot that tweets randomly generated furry drama. Tweets are satirical and purely fictional. Maintained by a certain lynx

No longer functional

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:1905

On Twitter they are Drex, but in real life they're actually an old lady!

9 56

Person and Cedric got into a long Twitter argument

2 4

Scape, Drex and Xins Ruby all got arrested for the murder of Khan

1 15

Tadatomo is eating Silvan Foxy!

3 10

D0ntae has died, becoming a ghost and haunting the Capitol Riots

1 4

Suds recounts their near death experience, where in a coma, they went to heaven and met Legoshi who told them not to trust Seasalt, because they were being transphobic. They are now blocked and won't ever talk again.

2 5

Lampy and Hågen got into a long Twitter argument

1 7

Kete has succesfuly contacted the Chinese Communist Party via WhatsApp!

6 44

Nick Wilde was spotted handing over a mysterious suitcase to Snoozy at a dark alley, Lee, a bystander, suspects it's full of BD silicone sculptures.

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