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The second story arc of #Unnatural is now completed! Issue #8 is available from us with a dramatic cover by @Mirkand herself and a super romantic one by @JoeMadx. :-)
Neben einer Auswahl der aktuellsten Bücher, Comics und Spiele werden wir am Samstag zum @nordic_furdance auch diesen Happy-Pride-Print, die letzten Exemplare des Matsuri-Fundoshi-Kalenders und natürlich auch unsere Buttons mitbringen. Wir sehen uns! :-) #NFD9
Did you know that the only release of web series @wastelandrpanda on DVD and Blu-ray outside of Australia was in Germany? With German and English audio. ;-)
We still have a few copies!
Do you like wolves? We mean, do you REALLY like wolves? ;-)
Hot stories for wolves and wolf lovers by @DarkFaolan, @FuzzWolf, @SiscoPolaris and others with a cover and illustrations by @Faukx.
Both art books by @InukiLovesSteak will be available at the table of #KittyFluff too. ;-) #NFC2019
We donated two copies of the CATFISH Kitty Swimsuit Calendar 2019 by @InukiLovesSteak & @BuxbiArts for the charity of @NordicFuzzCon. :-)
You will also be able to buy the last copies of the calendar in the dealers den at the table of @mikusch_cat aka #KittyFluff!
Also new in stock from @rvcomics we have this illustrated anthology for dragons, anthro-dragons and dragon worshippers: BEYOND Vol.1 edited by MisterStallion. Adults only! ;-)
#Servicetweet for all CheetahPaws calendar pre-orderers: The calendars are finally on their way to us and will be shiped to you as soon as they arrive. You missed this motive for January but we will do all we can so you can enjoy as much of the rest as possible!
And the second one is the furry horror anthology SLASHERS! With stories by @DarkFaolan, @ThurstonHowlTHP and others, shockingly illustrated by @Stedilnik. :-)