Krizeros - japan in todaysさんのプロフィール画像

Krizeros - japan in todaysさんのイラストまとめ

Art 🇨🇦 🇲🇽- They/Them - ADHD BPD - Pansex/ro - Lv24 💚Dangan💚 Hero Main 💚 XB3 💚 Hopeful Canadian Hopeful Dreams 💚 NO AI 🚫 sketches here @pastxdespair

フォロー数:1159 フォロワー数:9336

In celebration of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, here’s some old art I drew of various characters in the Puyo Puyo style.
Komaeda and Quote are my favourite.

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Redesigning old OC’s is self care

5 39

Drew my pal pokemon OC Chase for their birthday.
Tried to do in the gen 1 art style, my first time trying this style.

6 16

Got my last party member in my black playthrough so i added her to the doodle pile!
Indech the Tirtouga, she’s sassy.

14 34

Started a Pokemon Black playthrough and I decided to draw my team so far
Drawing them with their natures as their personality traits is a lot of fun
Erdrick the Oshawott is the best shounen protagonist

24 87

Nichijou opening but with members of The Run Away Guys: Danganronpa

2 42