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The Sharkticons are able to fly in shark mode. It looks as goofy and awkward as you might expect. This ability will be seen again in "The Big Broadcast of 2006".
The female robot Octane ogles on his internets looks surprisingly like Arcee... but with much larger... shoulder pads. Yes.
Seaspray uses a common wrist communicator to radio in, accompanied by a blinking light on his chest.
Windcharger activates a magnetic "repulsor field" by pressing a button on his chest.
Cliffjumper's glass gas is a fiery glue-like substance in this episode, which he fires from a retractable wrist nozzle, Arm and Gun.
Kup's storytelling sequence aboard the shuttle is drawn from the novel Of Mice and Men, complete with Grimlock in the Lenny role asking Kup to "tell Grimlock about petrorabbits again".
Beachcomber is shown to have a translator that lets him understand animals. Assuming all Transformers have this, it would explain how they manage to communicate with every species they come across.
Omega Supreme demonstrates, not for the first or last time, his ability to transform into robot mode out of nothing but his rocket component.
Omega can also extend his tank track like a bridge.
Several ancient Transformers are shown, including "Doc" and a mustachioed Robo-Smasher victim. The latter, originally an unnamed generic, was retroactively identified as a Gyronian Sentry.
The Matrix's adverse effects on Scourge could be explained as a result of him having been created by Unicron.