

silver | 22 | 審神者あるある | TKRB (all media), HEARTSTEEL(mainly s/p), SW, TWST | rt heavy | art→@si1verherrera | oshikatsu photos→#ドバイ審神者

フォロー数:461 フォロワー数:465

we’re different from the kids, we’re different🌹⛓

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and that's the end of it! funnily enough, the only character in thunfan whose artist has not also designed a sword boy (yet!) is Sha Wu Sheng, who is designed by Niθ (pronounced "nishii"). here are his s1 and movie designs, respectively

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BONUS: this 2017 new year's special illustration (meant as a seiyuu joke, as they're both voiced by Suwabe Junichi)

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this is the face of a man who has accepted death

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cant believe yall missed this incredibly important honebami

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