Living Light And Cold Rage in Twilightさんのプロフィール画像

Living Light And Cold Rage in Twilightさんのイラストまとめ

Strange dude what writes weird things.

Bluesky: (At) GLKnight


フォロー数:3318 フォロワー数:860

40K! HELL YEAH!!! Very well deserved!

As for a chance at this, let me enter Viking Elf Demigod Berserker Thea into the running. Because in my Fantasy Horror WIP, she actually goes through a monsterification that's tied to her divine lineage that I think you'd absolutely nail.

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There's an element in Twilight's Daughter that I'm sure people will rag on for "Davrick being typical and controlling his wife".

But if they do, they'll miss an important cue about Thea: her mental illness afflicts *sensory* problems. Their intimacy helps break through that.

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Am I HONESTLY starting to consider abandoning Twilight's Daughter (my Fantasy Horror WIP) as a traditional novel, with queer characters, deep love for TTRPG's, brand new take on Euro Fantasy and more, and turn it into a GRAPHIC NOVEL SERIES?

I need people's input on this.

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-Sees artist I really wanna work with on a pic
-"Gimme your OC's to draw"
-Can't reply
-immediate sad

I mean, I got a LOT of OC's that fit Sotcho's style (though very few with any pics). But I understand why they limited the thread.

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(Also, due to her connections, I wouldn't be surprised if we get not only Jadzia of the Skrulls, but Vampires AND Cosmic stuff, too. A Gamma Bomb(shell) to open the MCU doors again.)

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You're at 1500+! Here's to hoping you break 2k, as you deserve to have your art seen by as many people as possible!

I offer Trøya Seh Kem, Elven Diplomat, Maiden General of the forces of Drüsher and mentor of the protagonist Thea Leh Rühk from Twilight's Daughter, for a spot.

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I think I know the one story I'll probably be remembered for if I ever get to write for .

And that story would more than likely be the ultimate Stu Cicero story. Because it will really be about what the fans mean for the entirety of everything Marvel.

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Exactly! And the Druid turns into an OWLBEAR! That's AWESOME!!!

Fantasy Fans are getting FED with Honor Among Thieves! And if I see a Flumph in the film, I don't care if I'm a burly guy over 6 foot. I *will* lose it and squee in joy.

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I know you've already drawn her mentor, but I think I'll enter Thea Leh Rühk, the titular character from Twilight's Daughter, into the running.

Though there's some things about her that I'll have to talk to you about if I happen to win, as there's some big spoilers by that look.

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Lemme throw in one of the heroes to my fantasy horror WIP. Her name's Arnea. She's a Synthet, which is a race of soul bound, golem-like beings who have a unique alchemical-like connection to inanimate material, allowing them to shape it as they please.

Her thing? Cannons.

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