GM2US 🌞さんのプロフィール画像

GM2US 🌞さんのイラストまとめ

GM Artist.
GM Series Creator.
1 Year+ of daily GM art 😎…

I Believe in Miracles ✨


フォロー数:3282 フォロワー数:3648

12- Creatures

Dannycoleee art is unique ❤️

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10- Deadfellaz

Betty and Psych built an amazing community, we can't imagine nft space without Horde 💚

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9- Robotos

I love robotos and the artist Pablo Stanley, I'm a long term holder of this project... Beeep Boooop 🤖

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8- 0n1Force

I think it was the 1st generative side-profile characters project in the space ? who can confirm this! love the art ❤️

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