GMKonKon 🦊(Check Pinned) 🌸さんのプロフィール画像

GMKonKon 🦊(Check Pinned) 🌸さんのイラストまとめ

(He/Him) Variety streamer Lv. 21 YouTube: PFP: @peachiipiie Art tag: #Konsart 18+ please!

フォロー数:336 フォロワー数:877

Evening my darlings! We're gonna attempt to play some Noita today, since I think I may have fixed the stream display problem~

If it breaks, we'll just chat or find something else to do! -w-

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Good Afternoon darlings! Hope y’all are doing well today~

We’re going to do something different today! I want y’all to comment games I’ve played or that are free, and I’ll play the one that has the most likes! RTs appreciated for more votes!

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Good Afternoon Konspirators! Hope y’all are having a good day~

Tonight is a game night, tho make sure to support @.ThatMilka’s debut beforehand!

We’re gonna play some Binding of Isaac because I crave violence -w-

1 13

14 hour stream... DONE! We were able to raise half of the goal for the model, and I've got to thank you dearies so much for that! However, my body is shutting down, so Ima have to rest now. Have a good night all! <3

1 16

Good evening darlings! Hope y'all are doing well. By the poll's request, we're going to be playing FTL.

I'm... not very good at this game, and the difficulty curve at the end is really steep, but maybe we'll get a win!

1 6

I'm finally home! Work was super draining today, but I'm looking forward to tonight's Chat Stream. We'll be joined by the wonderful , so I'm sure we're going to be having some interesting conversations lol. Hope to see you dearies there!

3 7

Good morning Konspirators! Hope y'all are having a good day so far~

We're still on for Super Hot tonight at 9PM EST! (We're actually doing Mind Control Delete because I don't own the original, lol). Hope to see you dearies then! <3

1 11

A reminder for you darlings who are feeling down right now about your growth!

Everyone moves at different speeds. But the reality is that the more you push forward, the more of a following you'll gather! Keep that wonderful head up, and eyes on the prize!

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Guess what dearies? New emotes! My mama made them, and they look absolutely wonderful! I'll putting these in Twitch very soon, and they even be available for tomorrow's stream, hehe!~

3 17

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention! I finally made a Discord server, for those of you who like that sort of thing. It's pretty small, and doesn't have much in it at the moment, but I will be taking suggestions -w-

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