

Name's Garrick!
I Draw mostly robots cause i LOVE Robots..
Still learning stuff,
Mostly SFW, But be aware of Suggestive one! 18 and ABOVE

フォロー数:66 フォロワー数:223

Moon 🌸
SakuraUmbra. Be their darkness in the most beautiful night of Sakura

New Design [Left]
Old Design [Right]

3 14

I used to Watch your animation on youtube, also.
I dont know if you would see this or not. But, Thank you for being my inspiration back in the day.

Oh and BTW, this is Sammy.

1 2

Bringing back the OG Crew
Start up with the Heavy Warrior, Rocky

-New Design (Left)
-Old Design (Right)

4 18

Naughty Lil Bnnuy 🐰
Who else but The Bunny Robogal, Endy Jr 🐇

0 20

She just a silly gal, silly gal with silly face :<

2 33