

29 (they/them) || Español/English|| ♥️ @omegasmash1 ♥️

フォロー数:566 フォロワー数:645

Hikawa twins just chillin’, trying out some new stuff

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Riko came home! 😭💕💕💕

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Ok, I am now convinced that all my gacha luck is going into starira

0 12

guess I really am using all my gacha luck on starira

0 20

congrats me on getting old 🥳

0 15

AAAH THEM!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! They’re perfect aaaahh

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😭⁉️ I had forgotten to do the free step for Miku Mahiru, this is really an early bday present

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⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ I got her on my first pull???!!! Is this a birthday present???!!!!

1 25

sometimes I think about this card from the Miharu pv and wonder when we’ll get her _(:3 」∠)_ pls it’s been 8 months

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More of this, please

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