

🪣 | 5k YouTube: @GUSplatoon | @SoCallieSplat ☀️ | | @TheLemonn27 🔨 💛 | @DeltaDiff_Spl 🫔🤎 | I make YouTube Videos 😎

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5 tips that helped me improve in Splatoon

- Switch to motion controls
- Play every weapon to understand their strengths/weaknesses, then narrow my weapon pool to what I like
- Watch tourneys/high lvl players
- Scrim & play in tourneys
- Research play styles, builds, comps.

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Decided to make a meme bc I saw Beatemups getting a lot comments on the motion vs sticks debate :)

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Thank you for this commission 🙌🏽. If you are looking for great drawings for Splatoon, pokemon, and more, check their page out.

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Shout out to for this amazing commission! If anyone is interested in getting some art for Splatoon 2 & Splatoon 3, check their page out.

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