

PixelArt / Nothing is Everything / beware of like🔞 / profile : @BByong403 Cover-Image : @Porforever / contact : [email protected] or DM

フォロー数:1262 フォロワー数:16459

working on this day..! 😅

118 1087

now make a new pixel! 🥰

90 768

Its fun..! 🥰

3 44

im doing on next pixel art..! 🥰

341 3478

im going to Reserve Forces 3days.. wait for me..!😅

37 533

I can draw pixels again from tomorrow...! 🥰

645 4583

doing pratice now..! 😅

111 1197

doing work this day..! I wana draw pixel..😥

56 521