

I'm Gaiadon but most ppl call me Gaia-chan!
I used to use DA but not so much now:(Gaiadon, Gluzz)
I've an FA too but not so much also.

フォロー数:72 フォロワー数:49

Draw a Net in Drawpile~ <3 its not my best but hey was fun. ( just wish he wasn't a @$$ by messing up ppl net. :U )

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This was a quick doodle at first but then I went nuts and finished with this. :3 a ghostly goth girl.....unnamed....

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Another pic finished sfvnsfbvfsv!! im on a roll~! (/OwO)/ This time its TBP....well she needs a better name tho. UvU

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I got board and started drawing a ghost ....turned into Puta-Block and im not sorry coz it look cool. ٩(●ᴗ●)۶

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Another one finished this time it's Ghetta and Lampy! X3 enjoy~! <3

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Finished~!! Sleepy-chan it toke me some time to get this done but I'm happy with it. :3 now what to draw next~? 9v9c

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Some doodle sqoodles here and Zumu lighten up......hehe~ and now iv not in idea on what to draw next. :l

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XDD Haha!! sometimes alil ego needs to grow, its just how it grows~ ;Dc also did this so now I sleep. ( UuU)

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Did this some time ago but thought id post it now. :D I would of posted this tomorrow but i don know if il be on. :3

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And heres the finished pic!! :D its based on an idea of a game story I thought up some years back enjoy. XD

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