

If your reading this it's to late welcome to the PinkGalaxyArcade!| #PinklesArt | Models by: @GuppyMooner, @wettmilkk, @fcklr

フォロー数:278 フォロワー数:433

May I interest you in a moth pinkles in these trying times?

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I've decided to show you all the characters so far in the Whimsey craft survival. I'm order we have our main character Pinkles. Kyoto the (hunksbando) wizard that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. And Melody, a friendly druid who was attracted to the forest just like Pinkles.

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You really do it's freaking weird and silly

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Because of some new mods on the smp pinkles now has a moth variant ^^ I love how this baby turned out!!!

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Commissioned an artist I've followed for a while and omGGGGG PINKLES IN 's style. Thank you soooooososo much!

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It's the feef, the fluff, I really liked this sketch so I decided to color it.

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Howls Moving Castle especially brings me so much joy and inspiration as an artist

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