

Artist !
🐸👌🏻love Animal crossing 🍎

フォロー数:838 フォロワー数:11

I change his hair colour so if he ever draw with hiro... they wont look as twins idk I draw his picture to see if they look similar or not

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honestly I wanted references to know how station looks like idk why I end up doodling this while watching randomly spooky videos

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👑I think I over did it with background and mess things up σ( ̄∇ ̄;) anyway small fan art for stream it was really fun..

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colour test just to see how this going to go and my mistakes I'm mostly done with one side inking tho *break*

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[Fanart of RPG horror game : OFF]
And ..I shouldn't rush into drawing this σ( ̄∇ ̄;)

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[Fanart of RPG horror game : OFF]
σ( ̄∇ ̄;)I didn't Finnish it but my drawing kept loading and it became hard to progress more I think because I put alot of stuff anyway..
[ TV effects]
[based colours ]
since I'll stop here _(:3」∠)_

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[ T.R.Y]
small doodle for my mermaid oc..

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[WIP my oc Doli ]
So far I'll add details later on still feeling sick

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