

Hi there! I'm an artist who's into Mega Man. I draw, write music, and edit videos! My DMs are always open, feel free to say hi!…

フォロー数:169 フォロワー数:195

Specifically the X5-X7 design, X8 is good too but I just prefer this one so much more

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Thank you for the opportunity!

As for me, I mostly draw OCs, but I've got some official stuff too. I'm also holding an art raffle right now, check my profile for details!

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And for the curious, here's what I'd consider some of my best works.

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Aww, you're too kind. I'll drop you a follow for that. As for me, it's mostly OC work, but I do some official stuff too.

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A friend showed me a picture of Denise from last night and I absolutely cannot stop thinking about her. I had to draw her

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I am so sorry to everyone who followed me for content, please accept this as my apology. I'll try to post more Daisy in the future! Thank you for sticking around and being patient.

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some battle network FCs (I really need to play these games)

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ok this is getting big so before this gets any more attention, I make art sometimes

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