

Draws on magazines.

フォロー数:136 フォロワー数:1324

"A much needed reminder of how vast and beautiful our world is." Stated about travel issue -

3 3

TESTA DI MORO - Vita e morte di Tommaso Moro attraverso alcuni cenni (di capo) biografici. Su da oggi in edicola

4 4

Back in the house of mirrors - let's celebrate with an excerpt from a past thread page

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Dear followers, after years of mystery about my persona time has come to share a selfie. Be seeing you past holidays

0 5

Late night forum browsing. The dark side of techno-enthusiasm illustrations for

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How tall is a giant? From to famous gargantuan characters lined up to scale. Made for

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Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun - Wun Wun to his free folk friends - one of tiny giants featured on latest

1 1

Nightlife in : cinema-disco, ice cream, bike rental and cartoneros. Excerpt from issue 95

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On latest you'll find out that André was not so Giant, but still giant enough

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