
Scanning & posting newly extracted artwork from game manuals and art books! Maintained by @Rlan2.

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:36470

Character artwork from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

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Character artwork from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

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Character artwork from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

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Jailcat, from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

11 35

Slival, from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

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Everyday items as enemies - some of the strange artwork from 'Hermie Hopperhead' on the PlayStation.

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Ducktor Sid, from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

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Mama Mia, from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

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Swotsy, from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

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Hooley, from ‘Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime’ for the Nintendo DS.

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