

Chris 34 🇬🇧 Former Games Media (multiple) - now embarrassed about the entire thing. PAL PS3 collector #991/1157
"Far-Right gaming blogger" - Sky News…

フォロー数:2796 フォロワー数:10955

You have to live here to understand.

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Goddamn, the DS was such a magical machine around this period, the last time I truly cared about handheld gaming.

2 14

They started funding and publishing a bunch of cool games, taking a risk - till they implemented online passes, then MTX and then butchered games like Dead Space 3 with corporate meddling ruining their reputation again.

6 21

It's kind of sad when I feel nostalgic for the old /v/ stereotypes.
Xbox - Dumb dudebros, Sports & FPS.
PS3 - Pseudo-intellectuals, art snobs and weebs
Wii - Children and grandma

These days all three are just this guy with a different branded shirt.

6 36

People complaining about small games like Fall Guys, Among Us, and now FnF blowing up and getting lots of attention

/v/ has always had 'flavor of the month' games going back over a decade now, it's not a strange thing if you're not a newf...

4 19

Oh whoopsie, looks like I created an artificial oil shortage in the US and passed a bunch of laws that ban fracking.

Golly gee I wonder what can we do to get some more.

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