

Artist - Gamer - Nerd
Twitch -

フォロー数:170 フォロワー数:758

Ugh! Was nodding off during break! I hate that!

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Tfw you just want to stay in bed and not deal with the weather or driving in it.

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just submitted my application for the apartment. here's hoping!

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4am and the cat wants attention and wont let me sleep.... ugh... (gif isnt my cat but a good representation)

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lmfao! that's pretty good. saw the movie this past saturday too.

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Bought some new 'if mouth Mason Jar' today for my tobacco, really like these more than the old ones I was using.

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this pretty much sums up how i feel most days during the summer...

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the first thing that came to mind when playing William Ding when he says "Fuck dah Mango!"

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