Gator 🐊さんのプロフィール画像

Gator 🐊さんのイラストまとめ

Just a girl who loves to draw pin ups of men and women.

フォロー数:1527 フォロワー数:2387



I finally did Bishoujo and love it! I have been really motivated to do more of these lovely horror ladies recently. ☺️

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I have been meaning to draw Bishoujo Jason for a while now and I finally got around to drawing her. I especially had fun drawing her standing on Chad’s head.

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Page 10 of my comic is on my Patreon but I will post it everywhere else on 3/26. I won't make everyone wait too long since it has been a while since my last update of the comic.

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Here are the drawings I have done so far for I am so excited and I am going to be playing this nonstop!

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I’m so excited for to come out next month! I just wanna play it so bad and see more of Dante! He is my favorite character of all time and I haven’t drawn him in so long so I figured it was about time. ☺️

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I had to draw from She is such a pretty and kind character and she really grew on me in the show. She is a sweet lady. :D

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Hey guys! Tumblr is already flagging pretty much all of my content, even the SFW for work content, so I won't be surprised when they inevitably delete my blog, so I would appreciate it if you followed me on my other platforms.

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I plan on drawing a lot of characters as Bunny waiters and waitresses. I haven’t drawn a cute boy in a while either so I decided to start this set off with

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