

hormy h

28y/o he/she/they

if you came from a sfw post and wanna follow go here @AntlerWeasel all i do is talk porn here im sorry

minors DNI…

フォロー数:1372 フォロワー数:2340

Hey look its @/LunchParade gaming and not being a big fatty in their webcam whatsoever!!! Alts below!

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Tw//slob tw//farts
Damn turns out eating someone by ripping them to shreds makes you quite the gross slob! Wonder if he’s doing that to her stomach, or she was already blasting before she dug in!?

4 23

Tw//blood tw//cartoon gore

Looks like Luckys appetite is unending! The damn tube even went and ate Poodle! And not whole either, damn bitch couldn’t stop herself! And she’s still hungry uh oh!!

Sketch by my pal @/PuntThePoodle and the rest by me! Slob alt below!

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Gooood morning, mind helping a lady out with getting out of these panties?

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Oh I wonder where we will find someone with such an engulfing behind~

0 6

It's Helium Day and as usual we need to remind you if you shove a tank into someones behind, properly tie them down with something stronger than rope.

30 159

Tw/slob tw/farts and let the fog erupt! Lucky had a lot of gas held in, and she’s gonna be blasting for HOURS AND HOURS to come! Just what will poodle do now... other than huff gas for hours and hours as the bathroom fills with weasel stink!

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