

Alex ★ Vaughn
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He's a little shit, you know? But we love him anyway. Tighnari supremacy FTW. - 💛

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Going to get you to sign this when we're at the same convention one day. 😗

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And of course our new original designs!!

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We've got and some more We also have some new original things as well!!

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Im sure most of us have had these pocket pets. If you are like us and do not have time to take care of one but would like to show them off; we now have Gen 1 and 2. which is your favorite?

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We have a new set for you MDZS fans today. These are the Wuji bunnies. If you would like to have these cuties then come down to the shop and get your self a set of these gems.

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We have a new sticker that could be just what you are looking for. Our new Moon Rabbit sticker just came in stock, and we believe it could be a great piece to your collection.

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Not only is it envelope day, today was "print more freebie stickers because we're out" day!! - 💜

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If you know Final Fantasy XIV then you might know this guy. We have a new set for the Ancient One and it could be yours soon. And who are we kidding we could all use more Ancient Ones in our life.

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Do you love your fat cat. Do you play FFXIV and love your fat cat minion. If either of those sound like you then we have a new sticker for you.

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