

Sandy Geist | 33 I Motion Designer I Illustrator I Point & Click Adventure Lover I Crazy Catlady from Hamburg

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just doodled a bit the last days and I really love the result and the colors!! 💚💛💙💕 Drawn in

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nihao ❤️ aww I will always be in love with the good old animes like Ranma1/2. Shampoo was not my favorite character but I really liked her design and colors❤️💜

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Happy Valentines Day! Treat yourself right today 😘

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Draw a soft drink as a character xD I choosed Sprite💛💚 drawn in

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☀️you remember the drawchallenge a few days ago? decided to color the bikini girl ☀️💦

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Hey, ich bin die Sandy aka.Geisterkatze und ich liebe es einfach all das zu zeichnen was mir gerade in den Sinn kommt. Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei und lasst euch ein kleines Lächeln aufs Gesicht zaubern durch meine Zeichnungen.

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Bin immernoch so happy dieses Jahr ein Teil davon sein zu dürfen ❤️☀️

Bei mir werdet ihr dann auch ein paar signierte Exemplare ergattern können :)

Sneak peak von meinem Beitrag 😽🐻

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I haven't even drawn myself properly since I cut my hair off last year. Don‘t know if I should use it as an new avatar…don‘t want my ghostcat to disappear :)

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Did I ever showed you my cute demon girl? Just had the urge to try out my old artstyle again and really had fun with that drawing. Also love the colors a lot!
So stay cool guys and have a nice weekend ✌️#procreate

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Remember my monkey girl a few weeks ago? Here is another charactersheet of her, showing her full loving admire for monkey boys xD

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