

Gen. Shatterskull Cranius, Commander Wicked Craniums Air Combat Command (ACC).

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Opensea - Securitron

フォロー数:655 フォロワー数:690

usually I prefer full dress uniform, but a special occasion calls for black tie and x fits the bill nicely

13 64

Kings ascend in Cranium Society not by birthright, but by might. Every emerald is fearsome, but has risen to rule them all. holds the Grimoire and is the most powerful wielder of it's spells. Possibly the most powerful Cranium in all of Osseous, one bad set of bones.

12 80

The Leopards are blessed with preternatural speed. has paired it with unparallelled endurance to be one of the finest athletes. Our Doctors are having trouble determining just how good is. Vo2 Max and resting heart rate tests provided little insight

4 32