

❝Who I really am can't matter; I'll dance on through this!❞ [♡: @RevengeOfRisky]; #Shantae/#SSBRP Parody account!

フォロー数:2153 フォロワー数:4632

❝Hey! I get to pick my own codename!!❞

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❝The multiverse makes keeping track of all the copies of us really tough, since we only have five main characters.❞

❝What if we all wear name tags? With code names. Mine'll be.. . I just came up with it!❞

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❝Eh!? My Saturday can't be doomed! I only get one of those a week!❞

❝Okay, okay! I'll come up with something!❞

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❝I'm still shocked they let kids into the wild area. One wrong step, and.. boom!❞

❝Level 60 encounter.❞

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❝Oh. I guess they say that there's plenty of fish in the sea.❞

❝..A-anyway, it's no trouble! Mermaids are way past cool! You're super welcome around here!❞

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❝Giga, you're back!? Wait, you're not.. the giga mermaid.❞

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