

❝Who I really am can't matter; I'll dance on through this!❞ [♡: @RevengeOfRisky]; #Shantae/#SSBRP Parody account!

フォロー数:2153 フォロワー数:4632

Fists bumps Bayonetta with her ponytail. Tailbump?

Well, whatever it's called when two people who fight using their hair high five eachother.

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❝Beats me. Come to think of it, my game's super inconsistent. We have two boss type fellas.. One who has army equipment, and the other's got factories all to himself.❞

❝But, whatever! They're not important! Point is, Uncle Mimic loves to tinker, so this would blow him away!❞

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An almost comical flinch is elicited by his triumphant arrival,

❝Sorry for gawking! My Uncle is all about tech, and this thing is lightyears ahead of anything we've got in Sequin Land.❞

❝..We're still ironing out Steam powered engines.❞

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— ..The irony that precedes the heroine's sheepishness, as if she were just as starstruck as the Bounty Hunter before her:

❝Will you sign this diary!?❞

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❝Mac.. Isn't it a little tough to handle garbage with those gloves on?❞

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❝Wow.. is that the Blue Falcon? Uncle would kill to see this thing.❞

❝It's so bright! What's this shade called again? 'Big Blue?'❞

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❝Wait, wait! The song was just getting to the good part!❞

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❝Well, at least you let them go. Kinda surprised you listened to me. Aren't you the bad guy in your game?❞

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❝Don't even think about it. Or, well, *stop* thinking about it.❞

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❝Yeah, I guess the fireflies will be around for a while..❞

❝Hurry back, Risky..❞

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