

Art, doodles and artist ramblings | 32 | She/Her | soft stuff, spooky stuff, what comes to mind~ Ko-fi for commissions:

フォロー数:345 フォロワー数:185

Hi I'm Genny and I either draw my OCs or whatever is my current obsession at the 'moment ✨✌️😏🖊️

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༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) ( ༎ຶŎ༎ຶ ) HAPPY (late) HALLOWEEN! Σ(`・Д・ノ)ノ
Here are some of the works that I created for a Halloween secret pumpkin event at a discord server I'm in! Had really fun time creating these <3

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Do not follow a beautiful sounds of violin near lakes or streams,
or Näkki might lure you into your death.

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"I thought V could save me. Because he's the sun that can dry all of my tears and vanquish my devil.

However... after such a long time I realized...

That I was this devil..."

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