

Jen - Main Account // Rabbit and Red-panda advocate
🔞 Minors DNI

フォロー数:675 フォロワー数:12471

Finally got to coloring this collab with Sorry for vanishing to another realm all this time

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Me and my friend keep going back and forth about on wether sketchy linework or super cleaned up linework looks better

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New banner I guess

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Decided to give character a shot since they drew one of mine. Probably going to be working towards getting better with painting for a while.

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Heya, I'm Gio and I do dumb doodles and animations. Currently I'm trying to learn more to do with coloring and some painting effects. Also I talk about kingdom hearts a little too often to my friends.

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This is one weird looking dog

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Drew my persona in Dream Drop Distance Sora outfit.

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Finished an art for someone in the Durty Discord. Let's keep going

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Threw together a drawing of the colors are little off but still had a little fun with it.

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Here's that merch thing I spammed on discord but forgot to post here

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