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Died #OnThisDay 300 years ago Meinhard Schomberg, 3rd duke of Schomberg. His father had been granted an English peerage by William III as a reward for his services in the Glorious Revolution. The 3rd duke failed to attend the Lords after 1715, unable to bear the fatigue
Horace Walpole assured a friend "You may like to know one is alive... after a massacre & the conflagration of a capital... the most horrible sight I ever beheld & which for 6 hours together I expected to end in half the town being reduced to ashes
#OnThisDay 1660 Charles II staged his formal entry into #London marking his restoration to the throne.
The event was carefully timed to coincide with his 30th #birthday #OTD1630
Born #OnThisDay 1717 David Garrick, actor & impresario, a key figure in reviving interest in the plays of #Shakespeare
Currently battling some of the challenges of #18thcentury phonetic spellings & impenetrable nicknames. Lady Bristol referred to Lord Bathurst as Batters which is clear enough but the duke of Richmond had a friend known only as Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha which is a tougher nut to crack
19 #December 1717 Bishop Gibson wishes Bishop Nicolson "as cheerful a #Christmas as can be expected amidst the daily alarms you will receive of prohibiting minced pies and such other ungodly Diet"
@BrownCapability @IckworthNT Bristol's niece Mrs Dillon was critical of her uncle. He "cares for nothing but himself, & therefore being gratified in every wish he has, could not be otherwise, unfeeling others' woes". As a member of @UKHouseofLords & an Irish bishop he is going to be a challenge! #HistParl