Gannon F. Jasperingさんのプロフィール画像

Gannon F. Jasperingさんのイラストまとめ

Senior World Builder and Env Artist at @OtherSide_Games
previously @molassesflood / @CDPROJEKTRED

Married to @mad_rupert
I also do drag

フォロー数:1394 フォロワー数:2854

Decided to model on of my favorite artists work. Giantess by Garrett Hanna.

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Working on some skulls. Not really sure how I feel about them yet :T

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I don't have anymore time to make an actual outfit and I also want to pose this, but not sure if I have time.

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Working on a Dino Batter health Icon. Dino pic brought to you by

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Me and are working on a game! You'll be seeing more of this little dude!

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I've been working on a game called 'Ghost House'. Here's some in progress stuff!

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I haven't had the chance to digitally color something in forever! Here's a colored Lynn!

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Favorite thing I made today.

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