

フォロー数:807 フォロワー数:1919

blasted some colors all over that inktober, tastier now
went totally ballistic on that one, never let me use my saturation privilege again

17 97

"'s ripe, gerald."
and done, I'm gonna compil these inktobers in a moment, managed it this year! also, happy halloween!

8 81

(a little bit of absurd violence) kitty is hurt, oh no, who would have done this.
Wait, no, that's not right

10 91

ain't fun to be queen of the ashes

34 192

night minimalist sketch and original color scheme for the shadow zapping blaze pic

16 78

bunch of sketchy skecth

18 98

'nother speedpaint
yes the boy is MELTING I don't know WHY

5 55

genuine anger

16 111