

Twitch - giddawid. Twitch Partner, Voice Actor, Musician, Editor, Former Community Manager of DBD. Business email - [email protected]


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I am literally so proud of myself, my friends/family, and my community. Thank you so so SO much <3

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At my friend’s socially distanced bbq the other day, he brought out the hot sauce and I asked if he had any hotter ones. He brought out scorpion pepper sauce which was delicious, but apparently it’s 1.5 million scovilles and I barely reacted to it. Maybe I have superpowers...

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I'm never going to be able to play this again 😢😢😢

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Today I’ve done some High Intensity Interval Training with my mum, and it’s safe to say, that I’ve finally experienced hell on earth. My body hates me right now

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Currently on a health kick and I’ve lost half a stone this week. Why? Because I didn’t tell people what I was doing - I just got on with it and did it. Exercise, healthy eating and sleep - I’ll keep you updated when I’m fit AF. And a massive thank you to chat for being patient ❤️

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Shave your moustache off - worked last time

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I got out of bed today!

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I wish you could have seen me out there, because my face when I tried that door was priceless

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Well at least the bra will support you through this tough time

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