MG 🐉💀🐙🤖さんのプロフィール画像

MG 🐉💀🐙🤖さんのイラストまとめ

Artist of many things from lands of NI, Lifetime doodler

フォロー数:999 フォロワー数:1369

Into the Void

A scale with an untamed control on the void energy that spews from within, be a master of the void 🔥🔥

1/1 for 0.035 Eth

Collect this scale to attract a horror

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Gm Gm

Lots of unsold work from me sir doodles 🔥

Keep her waked keep her baked 🔥🐉

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Gm gm 🙌
Hope it’s a good one 🔥
Some of my work on fnd ♥️

0 1

A wild Horror appears

Dark Disciple is a 1/1 edition for 0.035 eth

Lurking in the dark looking for perfected life to intrude and bring down to the deep

Collect a Horror to Attract a Bone 👀

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Collect a Scale to Attract a Horror
They want to infest their mind

Collect a Bone to Attract a Chrome
They like to upgrade broken bones

Collect a Horror to Attract a Bone
They worship spooky tings

Collect a Chrome to Attract a Scale
They love metal

0 0

Scale Bone Horror Chrome

A collection of creations each in there own class 🐉💀👿🤖

0.035 $eth
Collecting certain classes have affinity for others.

Scales love Chrome 🐉-🤖
Horrors infest Scales 👿-🐉
Bones Worship Horrors 💀-👿
Chromes help Bones 🤖-💀

⬇️ more below

17 21

A wild Scale appears

Prestigious Scales are perfected on the outside, bottled up immolation leads to a core of inmost flame.. one that most cannot contain.

Intramural Ignition
A scale with a fire in his art and all the metal in the world to contain it 🔥

0.035 eth

19 28

A wild Chrome Appears 🤖👀

The first of the chrome class 🤖

ARC-R3D is a 1/1 edition available now for 0.035 Eth

Surging with arc energy, for sure gonna power your gaff 🔥🔥

17 24

Concepts after midnight

For the nocturnal hours are where some of the crazy things are created

9 characters are available for auction for 1 all created after the tick of midnight on procreate

Link in my bio 🔥

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Il follow you to edge of the galaxy through the pull of the stratosphere, we will be together again


A 1/1 digital painting available in the art or insanity collection for 0.03 Eth

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