

Loving Husband, Father, HS Mentor, and underrated Comic Book Creator. 🇺🇸✝️🇵🇷 1 Corinthians 15:58 (Personal account/Opinions)

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And this is why I write my own comics.


Our Kickstarter launches tonight.

It's got anthropomorphic space capybaras, sniper vipers, and turtle ninjas 😂 (Yes. You read that right.) Let's put the FUN back in comics!

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Hello Saw your latest crowdfunding video. Very good. In regards to a lack of innovation in comics, maybe you can help us get more eyes on GROM. Emailed you to see if you'd like a digital copy of one of the best stories in comics that is flying under radar. Talk soon!

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Our and influence hard at work here. Peep these capybara bounty hunters in a cantina-like atmosphere.

Digging the vibes? Search on this Friday!

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Calling all & anyone else who doesn't mind sharing out great projects, I'll be hitting the campaign trail to promote the GROM campaigns I'm launching this month on &

Please reply here so I can touch base 🙏

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One of the best stories you'll ever read in

If you missed out, don't worry. We'll be "crowdgoing" on Indiegogo & Kickstarter.

Ongoing just got better.

Sign up NOW to be ready when the awesome drops.



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A very cool take on werewolves drawn by the artist who helped me on my Star Wars Fan Fiction comic.

His project needs $501 more dollars to make it happen! Check it out!

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