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Welcome back!!! I hope all is well x
Any style you think would suit this best, I trust your judgement! <3

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Oh my... I did 20 and got this

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Got bored so I made a room. Thinking might host this at some point non-official cause why not 🤷🏻‍♀️

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12:05 am 14th July 2005.
It was at this time that I lost one of the most important people in my life. My best friend. My mum. 15 long hard years and I miss you even more each day... I love and miss you 🥀 R.I.P

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Was supposed to have today off but ended up going into work anyway for a few hours.. 10/15 days done...

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The Easter Campaign is now live on !
Which team are you!? Team Critters or Team Creatures?! PICK NOW. Go to and go to the shop and purchase your FREE campaign pack.
What you waiting for?!

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It is currently 10:48 pm and I need to stay up as late as I can tonight... I don't think I can do it...

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