

Giallo! Soundtrack ! 書店 ! Stuff !
Humble servant of the GET YOUR GENKI label @getyourgenki
There you also will find my tweets about Japanese pop culture

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I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE is a great film.
Full stop!

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hey guys.

As I know that you're Bothfans of twin peaks,I was wondering if you would recommend this vinyl I just have found in a store in France.
Tim Parks.....

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Could anyone please release the BEYONG GOOD & EVIL game ? On ??

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Finally the Deutsche Post did something right!

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Seems like my box has been shipped!!!!!
I'm VERY excited!

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🎃 It’s the second annual A-Z! 🎃


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Alles Liebe und Gute für Markus zu seinem Geburtstag!!
Ich hoffe ,dass Du einen tollen Tag hattest mein Lieber!

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